Hand in handcuffs
Here's the Freedom Fund link to donate:  https://www.paypal.me/columbusfreedomfund?fbclid=IwAR2AnYTQZW8RcqVAgacr8ldplwUyUuoiBuI_YGbW3GQsYlvUhmkX0gyAQjk

Hundreds of community members gathered in peaceful protest of the ongoing loss of Black lives at the hands of police. Though protestors remained peaceful, CPD instigated violence and showed an utter lack of restraint and care for human lives. Columbus Police declared a state of emergency in downtown Columbus at 1:24pm which is continually used by police as a tactic to scare and disperse protestors, use additional chemical weapons and force against protestors, and to make mass arrests. Governor Dewine called in the National Guard as police became increasingly militarized. Countless rounds of pepper spray, tear gas, and flash bangs went off as protestors were shot with wooden bullets. 

A citywide curfew was set for 10pm Saturday night until 6am Sunday. Many are continuing to protest throughout the evening, and we respect individuals' decisions to not adhere to the curfew as we continue to demand justice for all black lives lost, accountability from city officials, and an end to all forms of police brutality. Now is the time for white folks to put their privilege and bodies on the line in solidarity with our black and brown comrades in whatever ways they personally can. This looks different for everyone, but know that the community is working hard to create supportive safety nets and resources for our comrades.

Showing Up for Racial Justice is in unequivocal solidarity with all protestors and oppressed people, Black queer & trans people in particular, fighting for liberation. We support a diversity of tactics and know that the pathway to freedom looks differently for different people. We join the call to #FreeThemAll and drop all charges against all protestors.

Please read more here: Out Of Control Columbus Police: 7 Instances of Police Vs. Protestor Violence

You can take action to further support our people in Columbus by doing the following:

1.  CONTACT Columbus Mayor Ginther and City Attorney Zach Klein and tell them to “release the arrested protestors and drop their charges.”

  • CALL Ginther (614-645-7671) & Klein (614-645-7385), stay on the line until the end of the automated message and leave a voicemail

  • TWEET @MayorGinther and @CityAttyKlein

  • EMAIL 311@columbus.gov and zmklein@columbus.gov

2. DONATE to the Columbus Freedom Fund to pay protestors’ bail


  • Call the Columbus National Lawyers’ Guild arrest support line: 614-NLG-OH77 (614-654-6477)