Words Green New Deal

Tuesday, January 21, 2020, 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Climate change is a global emergency
. The Amazon rainforest is burning, Greenland’s ice shelf is melting, and the Arctic is on fire. People across the country and the world are already experiencing the deadly consequences of our climate crisis, as extreme weather events like heat waves, wildfires, droughts, floods, and hurricanes upend entire communities, ecosystems, economies, and ways of life, as well as endanger millions of lives. Communities of color, working class people, and the global poor have borne and will bear this burden disproportionately. The scientific community is telling us in no uncertain terms that we have less than 11 years left to transform our energy system away from fossil fuels to energy efficiency and sustainable energy, if we are going to leave this planet healthy and habitable for ourselves, our children, grandchildren, and future generations. The Green New Deal aims to do just that.  Come and learn about the Green New Deal from our experts. Q&A discussion will take place with the audience after speaker presentations. The panel of experts will feature Dr. Fadhel Kaboub, professor of Economics at Denison, Dr. Joel Wainwright, professor of Geography at OSU, and Cathy Cowan Becker, leader of Sierra Club's Ready for 100 campaign in Ohio. More info on the presenters when you register on Eventbrite. Location:  Ohio Union - U.S. Bank Conference Center, 1739 N High St, Columbus 43215. Free, Donations appreciated. Register on Eventbrite.  Facebook.