Tuesday, May 31, 2022, 2:30 PM
Under current state law, all armed school employees—including teachers, security guards, and special police—must either complete an approved basic peace officer training course or have completed 20 years of active duty as a peace officer. Basic peace officer training is regulated by the Ohio Peace Office Training Commission and comprises approximately 728 hours of instruction. But HB 99 would exempt teachers from this requirement and allow school districts to employ armed personnel in schools with as little as 22 hours of concealed carry training.
You can submit oral (in person) or written only testimony by emailing your written testimony and witness slip are in pdf form and then send them to Hoagland@ohiosenate.gov AND Genevieve.Ramsey@ohiosenate.gov.
Also send your testimony to ranking member Thomas (Thomas@ohiosenate.gov) and your own state senator https://www.ohiosenate.gov/senators, if you wish by Monday, May 30, at 2:30 PM. Location: Ohio Statehouse, 1 Capitol Square, South Hearing Room, Columbus Ohio.
Additional information from Moms Demand Action: HB 99 Fact Sheet - This was written on 4/13/21 and training hours have been amended to 22 instead of 8, Everytown Arming Teachers Introduces New Risks, Everytown School Safety Report, School Safety One Pager - Feb 2020, Witness form. Moms Demand Action is also asking for phone calls to members of the committee - Contact info for committee members.