Guy waving

It is essential that Democrats control the Senate. For that to happen Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff must win both the seats in the U.S. Senate in the run-off in Georgia on January 5, 2021. 

If Mitch McConnell remains as Majority Leader of the Senate, it will be impossible for the Biden administration to rescind many of the draconian laws passed during Trump’s administration and to pass progressive legislation. 

If both Warnock and Ossoff win the Georgia seats, Vice President Harris, who will be President of the Senate, will break ties.  Charles Schumer will be Majority Leader and Democrats will chair all of the Senate committees.  

The two current Republican Senators from Georgia, had been appointed. Both are guilty of insider trading to enrich themselves, using secret information about the pandemic while on Senate committees. In the November 3rd election, neither of them got a majority of the votes required by Georgia law to be reelected. The two Democratic candidates running against them, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff can win their seats by winning a majority of the votes in the January 5, 2021 run-off elections. Therefore, Democrats would control the Senate. Polls show that both races are very close. Mitch McConnell and the Republicans are flooding Georgia with dark money from unidentified wealthy patrons who expect favors. They admit that they have $100,000, but may use as much as $500,000 to run vicious attack ads.

Progressive activists nation-wide, should send political donations to Warnock and Ossoff, and encourage others to do so. Make out the check or credit card donation to Raphael Warnock for the U.S. Senate, and to Jon Ossooff for the U.S. Senate. Sign a statement that you are in compliance with contribution rules.

Addresses: Raphael Warnock Campaign HDQ, P O Box 991, Decatur, GA and to Jon Ossoff Campaign HDG, P O Box 450326, Atlanta GA 31.    

Join in a Virtual event encouraging registered Georgia voters, Democrats and independent (unaffiliated).

Join from anywhere. The need to help is urgent as we get closer to and on January 5th.

Progressive Turnout Project and Turnout2020 are operating daily Thru Talk phone banks to speak with Georgia Democrats to ensure they vote for Rev. Warnock and Jon Ossoff in the 2020 Senate Runoff electionVolunteers will need a computer or a tablet with Internet access to connect to our predictive dialer. If your Internet signal is unstable at times, we suggest also using a phone. The dialer works best on a Chrome browser and is not compatible with iPads. We recommend disabling any adblocker software and allowing cookies. Our Thru Talk dialer and script are located at Once you sign up for a shift, you will receive an email with more instructions. Please check your inbox, including your spam folder, to ensure you hear from us!                                                                                                               

In the meantime, you can watch this helpful video about how our dialer works. You can also visit our Slack workspace with any questions, or call/text us at ‪(202) 854-0643. Happy calling! 

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