Details about event

Friday, June 3, 12noon-1pm, this on-line event requires advance registration

In January 2022, Intel announced plans to build the largest semiconductor chip manufacturing facility ever built in New Albany, Ohio. The initial investment of $20 billion is the largest single private-sector investment in Ohio history. This initial phase is expected to employ not only Intel staff but construction and service industry workers. This development raises questions over the lasting impacts this facility will have on Ohio. Where will these new employees come from and where will they live? What are the long-lasting impacts on our water and energy resources? What kinds of transportation infrastructure investments should we make to protect our quality of life? How will this affect Ohio’s economic future? This summer, CURA brings together industry experts, researchers, and government leaders for four online-only webinars to discuss these topics and more!

Panel discussion members

• Robert Vogt, Real Estate Market Analyst at VSI

• Brent Swander, CEO at Columbus Realtors

• Erin Prosser, Assistant Director of Housing Strategies at the City of Columbus

• Jennifer Noll, Associate Director of Community Development at MORPC

This panel discussion will be moderated by Harvey Miller.

RSVP for this event by using this link.

Hosted by CURA [Center for Urban and Regional Analysis] at The Ohio State University.

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