Round Vote button

Call your US Senators and Representative to demand that they work to ensure safe, secure elections during the COVID-19 Outbreak. We want to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and voting by mail is a good way to do it.

Senator Portman: (202) 224-3353, (614) 469-6774
Senator Brown: (202) 224-2315, (614) 469-2083

Rep. Balderson (202) 225-5355; (614) 523-2555 (OH12)

Rep Steve Stivers (202) 225-2015:(614) 771-4968 (OH15)

Rep. Beatty (202) 225-4324; (614) 220-0003 (OH3)

Background HERE (from Indivisible) on a plan from Senator Elizabeth Warren. 

SCRIPT:  Hello, my name is [YOUR NAME] and I am from [CITY/STATE]. I’m calling Rep. ______________ to urge them to safeguard our democracy and support efforts to assist states in expanding vote-by-mail and no-excuse absentee vote-by-mail in all states, require that all states provide prepaid postage envelopes to all voters who request to vote by mail or absentee vote and provide money to states to implement these reforms. Will Rep. ___________ promise to safeguard our democracy by supporting widespread vote by mail this fall? Will Rep. _____________ promise to support the US Postal Service so that it can continue its important work of connecting our country?