and with the October 5th deadline to register to vote for the November 3, 2020 General Election, organizers called upon the faith communities to draw attention to the importance of all eligible voters to be present this year.
Reverend Susan Smith, Ohio Poor Peoples' Campaign for a Moral Revival, called upon the marchers to "Make a Plan, and Keep the Plan" in relation to voting. On September 23, 2020 there is a webinar on the elections, go here to attend:
Many resources are available for anyone who requires more information on voting, but the first deadline for all eligible voters is to make sure you are registered to vote by October 5, 2020:, this year we are encouraging people to check your voter registration often through the Secretary of State's website.
This year's march gathered at the Ohio Supreme Courthouse and ended at Columbus City Hall. The march called attention to the importance for the Faith communities of Central Ohio to stand and be counted in both the US Census and the General Election. The march included calls for increased numbers of counselors in schools to address better the social inequities found within and among communities, for greater understanding among residents of each other's cultural imperatives, and for amplifying the call for peace and justice that might come from the interfaith communities.
During the COVID-19 pandemic and the Economic and Social unrest due to open racial injustice and economic chaos, the march organizers call for people of faith to rebuild the breach through reconciliation and truth, to feed the hungry and isolated as being central to all faith responsibilities, and to welcome the stranger in our communities.
Look for details for next year's march around the International Day of Peace, September 19, 2021.
For more information please contact the Interfaith Association of Central Ohio's office at (614) 849-0290.
Facebook: @interfaithohio