People sitting outside and men in military uniforms surrounding them

Wednesday, December 4, 2019, 7:00 – 8:30 PM
David Shutkin is a founding member of the Center for Jewish Nonviolence (CJNV).  He has been to Palestine on four occasions since 2015 and will be in Palestine with a fifth delegation this winter.  He has been an anti-occupation activist since 1982. The CJNV engages in nonviolent direct action in opposition to the Israeli occupation of Palestine.  Their work is a form of solidarity activism as we support and collaborate with many Palestinian partner organizations such as Youth Against Settlements and the Good Shepard Coalition. We also partner with numerous Palestinian village counsels including Susya, Umm Al-Khair, and Al-Tawani, in the South Hebron Hillas and Issawiya and Batan Al-Hawa in East Jerusalem. The CJNV brings together members of organizations such as JVP, If Not Now and J Street U.  David will share an overview of the CJNV, some of my back story, and discuss the successes of our most recent collaborative action in the South Hebron Hills where we encountered the violence of the IDF and seventeen people were arrested. Website:  Location:  Columbus Metropolitan Library, Auditorium, 95 S. Grant Ave., Columbus 43215.    For more information, contact  Facebook.