Young white dark haired girl
Tuesday, October 23, 2018, 4:30-5:30 PM
Join the family of Donna (Dalton) Castleberry in DEMANDING accountability and an independent investigation on the second month anniversary of her murder by Columbus Police Officer Andrew Mitchell. Over the past two years Columbus Police Officers have targeted vulnerable communities and killed or brutalized residents, with no consequences. Residents like Deaunte Bell, Henry Green, Kwame Patrick, Tyre King, Jaron Thomas, Kareem Ali Nadir Jones, DeMarko Anderson, Timothy Davis.  Columbus Police are protected from consequences. They are protected by police chief Kim Jacobs, by county prosecutor Ron O’Brien who, in his over 20 years in office, has never indicted an officer in a fatal on-duty shooting, and by the current FOP contract. This FOP contract erases misconduct records from an officer’s file; requires a 24-hour DELAY before an officer can be interviewed after potential police misconduct; does NOT require drug and alcohol testing for an officer following a deadly force incident; takes final discipline decisions out of the hands of police leadership through union arbitration; does not emphasize de-escalation, require that officers live in the communities they serve or include community interactions as criteria for promotion and incentive pay. All of these issues have been addressed in other police contracts across the country and we DEMAND that they are addressed here. We cannot lose another life.  Join us in continuing to raise awareness and spread the word. Homemade posters and your loudest voice are encouraged. Location: Columbus Division of Police Headquarters, 120 Marconi Blvd, Columbus, Ohio 43215.  #justicefordonna#policethepolice #independentinvestigation