Wednesday, February 19, 2020, 5:00 – 8:00 PM
Join us for the kick-off party for the 11th Annual Women Have Options Abortion Access Bowl-A-Thon! Our February Repro Health Happy Hour Columbus will once again partner with WHO-O to celebrate the start of Bowl-a-thon season and all of the wonderful people who participate in funding abortion and busting stigma in Ohio. Pins Mechanical Co. has reserved two duck-pin bowling lanes for us near the bar for us to practice our SWEET moves! Create a team, sign up to bowl, or just come spend time with some fabulous people who understand that if you can't afford your choice, you don't have one. Donations will be accepted at the Happy Hour to help WHO/O meet their $80,000 #bowl20 goal! Location: Pins Mechanical Co., 141 N. 4th St., Columbus 43215. More information on Facebook.