The Free Press is happy to announce that the family of Bill Moss is awarding the Bill Moss Award for an Outstanding African American activist posthumously to Columbus photographer Kojo Kamau. His work is on permanent display at the Columbus Museum of Art and exhibited across the U.S. and internationally. He traveled extensively and documented the varieties of cultures in North and South America, Europe, the Caribbean and Africa. He is also known for photos of celebrities. He created an organization to promote and encourage blacka artists in 1979 called Art for Community Expression (ACE). Kojo passed away in December 2016 but his legacy lives on in Columbus.
The Free Press Awards ceremony is Monday, October 8. 6-10pm at Woodlands Tavern, 1200 West Third Avenue in Grandview. There will be food, drink, an awards ceremony and live music by Willie Phoenis, Coffee House Rebels, Something Else and Gilded Sun. All are welcome, $10 at the door or sliding scale.