Sunday, June 30, 2:45-3:40pm
Solar Stage, southwest corner of Goodale Park, Community Festival
The Free Press welcomes The Longest Walk 2019 Native Americans at the Solar Stage at Comfest. The Longest Walk: We Shall Continue has been initiated to address the major threats to American Indian and Indigenous Peoples and Nations. This is a spiritual Walk for all Indigenous Peoples and our allies. We have identified eleven (11) areas that we need to affirm, advocate, and educate about. These are:
1) Support and Protect Indian Children
2) Honor Indigenous Women
3) Strengthen Inherent and Indigenous Sovereignty
4) Create an Environmental Covenant
5) Repeal Public Law 280 and Overturn the Plenary Power Doctrine
6) Land, Waters and Air Clean Up and Protection
7) Treaties, Lands, and Customary Responsibilities
8) Strengthen and Assert Spiritual Freedom and Protect Sacred Sites
9) Protect Indigenous Knowledge
10) Support Just Transition
11) Confront Alcohol and Other Drugs Abuse