
We recently helped pass the Postal Service Reform Act, which ended unnecessary expenses that had been designed to bankrupt the U.S. Postal Service.

But Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, appointed by Donald Trump, is still hard at work trying to run the USPS into the ground.

He's made plans to buy 148,000 mail delivery trucks from weapons dealer Oshkosh Defense, a company that's moved from Wisconsin to South Carolina to exploit low-wage non-union workers. Ninety percent of the trucks would burn gasoline at a rate of 8 miles per gallon.

Click here to tell Congress: Make the USPS contract require at least 75% electric trucks!

A new bill would require that at least 75% of the trucks be electric. The bill already has 68 co-sponsors in the U.S. House.

Click here to send a direct message to your members of Congress and demand they block DeJoy’s un-green bad deal!