On Thursday, May 12, 2022, local comic book artist, writer, and publisher Ken Eppstein dropped off just over 2,000 one-page cartoon strips at the Beechwold Post Office. These cartoons will be delivered to homes and businesses within his neighborhood using the Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) service. This project was paid for through a grant from the Greater Columbus Arts Council (GCAC). In addition to the cartoon on the front of the mailer, the flip-side will feature a link to a survey about comic reading habits. The goal of this project is to bring a conversation about cartoons and comic arts to a broader community.
Ken Eppstein is a veteran of the Columbus small press and cartoon arts scene. He has been publishing his “Nix Rock ‘n Roll Comics” since 2011. The Nix Comics catalog has over 40 publications featuring work by over 80 artists. Ken has also written for the Columbus Alive, Red Stylo Media, SOLRAD Comics Literary Magazine and many small press zines, blogs and publications.
The primary purpose of this project is to start a conversation about cartoons and comic arts between Ken and his community, highlighting the ability of those disciplines to create narratives and discourse. In particular, Ken is interested in demonstrating these strengths of the comic arts outside of the context of modern industry formats, genres and fandoms. EDDM was chosen as the delivery system for its ability to reach all potential audiences in a community much in the same way that print subscription newspapers did before that format went into decline.
While the context, content, and reach of this project is limited by budget and time constraints, it is Ken’s hope that it will ignite a broader ongoing discussion about the inherent power of the comic arts to communicate, the degree to which the comic arts are part of the City of Columbus’s heritage, and issues facing the ecosystem of comic artists, boosters and fans. If this initial outreach effort is successful, Ken would like to explore additional grant funding to help other cartoonists in Columbus engage with their neighborhoods.
The project is funded by a grant from the Greater Columbus Arts Council and uses the United States Postal Service’s (USPS) Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) service to achieve its goal of starting a conversation about the comic arts and cartooning.
Ken currently lives in the Clintonville Neighborhood of Columbus in the 43202 ZIP code. This makes his neighborhood, for purposes of this project and EDDM, the businesses and homes (roughly) within the boundaries of the Olentangy River, North Broadway, the Wahalla Ravine, and Tulane Road.
The one-page cartoons were dropped off at the Post Office for delivery on May 12th and will arrive in neighborhood mailboxes in short order. This is timed to help promote the return of the Small Press and Alternative Comics Expo (SPACE) on May 21 and 22 at the Ohio Expo Center. SPACE is Columbus’s longest running comics-oriented event and Ken will be one of over 100 exhibitors from Columbus, greater Ohio, and beyond.
Artist's Message
Meet Me at the Small Press And Alternative Comics Expo (Space)
On May 21 and 22 at the Ohio Expo Center I’ll be exhibiting Nix Rock ‘n Roll Comics along side over 100 other artists, writers and publishers from Columbus, Greater Ohio, and Beyond! Trust me when I say this annual tradition has something for everyone to enjoy!
About the artist (that’s me!)
My name is Ken Eppstein and I have lived in Columbus for most of my adult life. I currently live in Clintonville with my wife Kate, and my faithful pooch Lucy. (Lucy guest stars in this strip!) Pleased to me ya! For the past 12 years I have been writing, drawing, and publishing comic books, cartoons, and zines. Most of that work has been through my own publishing imprint Nix Comics, though I have also contributed to publications such as the Columbus Alive, SOLRAD Literary magazine, and Rocker magazine. I was able to send you this cartoon using the USPS Every Door Direct Mail service and a grant from the Greater Columbus Arts Council. It’s my hope that this cartoon piques your interest in the comic arts and comic artists that live here in Columbus.
Buy Nix Comics at these neighborhood shops:
Laughing Ogre Comics, 4258 N. High Street
Lost Weekend Records, 2960 N. High Street
Website: www.nixcomics.com
Email: Ken@nixcomics.com
Facebook: facebook.com/NixComics
Twitter & Instagram: @NixComics