Nakba protesters

Video by Scot Lacy

See protest video here

Students for Justice in Palestine and Palestine Diaspora Movement came together for a statewide protest. May 15th was the 76th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba, which means "catastrophe."  

The 1948 founding of Israel was preceded and accompanied by a massive ethnic cleansing operation to remove as many of the Muslim and Christian inhabitants as possible. During Israel's "war of independence," over 750,000 Palestinians were driven from their homes, never to be allowed to return. Hundreds of towns were razed; villagers were massacred.

Tragically, Israel has violated human rights in a similar fashion and on an unprecedented scale over the past 7 months during its attacks on Gaza, drawing global condemnation and breaching international law. 

70 percent of the 35,000 Palestinian deaths since October of last year have been women and children, and 75 percent of the 77,000 injured during the same period were female. 

For updates and information join Telegram Channel: @PalestineDiasporaMovement.