Following Press Conference, Community Demands True Accountability and Transparent Investigation

Early Saturday evening on June 29, members of the Dayton Police Department chased, shot down, and ultimately killed a teenager. The shooting occurred moments after they sped into the Negley Place neighborhood, where multiple young people were gathered outside. Families were present and outside all along the neighborhood streets.

Officers have not released the names of those who fired their weapons, nor have they released many details other than heavily edited and redacted body camera footage.

Rather than invite the Bureau of Criminal Investigation to review the officers’ conduct, as is proper procedure following an officer-involved shooting in the community, the Dayton Police Department has asked close ally Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office to review the incident, and has promised to conduct an internal investigation. 

Ohio Families Unite Against Police Brutality, The FUDGE Foundation, Black Lives Matter Dayton, and OFUPAC have the following demands – 1. BCI must be invited in to investigate the conduct of DPD both during the July 29 incident and following.

2. Release the names of the officers who killed Brian Moody, a fifteen year old child.

3. The full, unedited body camera footage be released immediately.

“The actions by this department are egregious and show clear intent to cover up what happened,” stated Emily Cole, Executive Director of OFUPAC. “Rather than invite in the state agency created to investigate officer-involved shootings, Dayton Police Department turned to their frequent allies at the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office. This was a deliberate choice by the department, made in an attempt to subvert and avoid accountability. Families from across Dayton and across Ohio demand accountability. We demand a transparent investigation conducted by BCI as step one. We call on Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost to intervene.”

The coalition responding to Saturday night’s events is led by families who have lost loved ones to police violence in Ohio. In the memories of all those who have been lost, we gather to demand accountability from police for the killing of another family member. 

With each death, we add another name to the list of Ohioans killed by cops in our communities. And another Ohio family will forever be changed not just by the violence from those who are meant to protect and serve, but from the lack of accountability and transparency from the police department that employs them. 


Ohio Families Unite Against Police Brutality (OFUAPB) is a statewide non-profit organization founded by Sabrina Jordan, who lost her son to police brutality in 2017. After the tragic loss of her son, Ms. Jordan began the ongoing work to unite the 700+ families in Ohio since 2000 who have lost loved ones to police abuse, creating a connected space for support, healing, and action. OFUAPB was founded to create and provide a space for families to grieve, develop and control their own platform for grief and advocacy, rather than being manipulated by exterior organizations.

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OFUPAC is the 501c4 action fund associated with Ohio Families Unite Against Police Brutality. Our mission is to uplift and amplify the voices of impacted families to transform the criminal and civil justice landscape in Ohio.
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