
Nuke plant

Senator Brown is a key target to ask to oppose the Fire Grants and Safety Act (S. 870).

That bill - only 4 pages that have nothing to do with nuclear - has had the Nuclear ADVANCE Act attached!

The ADVANCE bill has 3 major provisions:

(1) support for new nuclear reactors – think big public $$,

(2) international engagement and deployment – think nuclear weapons proliferation, and

(3) NRC streamlining. This would fast-track licensing of reactors and their new fuel, decrease safety measures on both existing and new reactors, and unbelievably, turning the NRC’s mission to promoting nuclear power. 

Contact Senator Brown’s office (202) 224-2315 in DC and (614) 469-2083 Columbus. 

Tell him NO on S. 870 until the money-wasting, dangerous nuclear bill is removed. 

Questions, contact Pat Marida