Thursday, October 27, from 2 p.m to 3 p.m. ET
Trinity Episcopal Church, 125 E. Broad St. in Columbus
Faith leaders from across Ohio will gather at and march to Secretary of State Frank LaRose’s office at 22 N. 4th St. to hold a prayer vigil for democracy.
The midterm election is just around the corner. As you read this, more than 900,000 Ohioans have requested absentee ballots or voted early with millions more preparing to in the days ahead. When they do, faith leaders must do everything in our power to ensure votes are cast safely and that the results determined by the people get certified. That means showing up.
In Ohio we’ve been witness to a growing tide of white Christian nationalism undermining our democracy by spreading disinformation and threatening violence against historically marginalized groups. We’ve seen corrupt leaders draw unfair and unconstitutional legislative maps that deprive voters of their power to vote for communities where everyone can thrive. All the while threats against poll workers and election workers erode public trust and a sense of safety in voting and election outcomes.
As daunting as this is, this is nothing new in our country and in Ohio. Our freedom to vote has always been something people of faith have fought for and won. This is about fulfilling the call of those who have gone before us. Those who have prayed, marched and worked for a system that works for everyone. That is why I need you there with me on Thursday.