Details about event

Wednesday, December 29, 2021, 12:00 - 1:15 PM
Planning a protest or action soon? Not sure what the police will do or what they’ve been told to do about actions? Then join community activists as we deep dive into new directives and policies the state has around actions, demonstrations, marches, and rallies. We will hear from experts about new directives we know of, how they compare to the past and what this means for your action and safety planning. This will be an in-person event and there is limited seating. For safety, we will not be recording this but plan to host several more sessions throughout the year. No one will be able to attend without rsvp so sign up and we will see you soon! Masks are required to attend, we will have extra PPE supplies on hand. We will have updates on whether lunch will be given to eat on site or given to take to go depending on COVID19 updates. Location: Church for All People, Multipurpose Room, 946 Parsons Ave., Columbus.  Facebook Event.  Register.  Ohio Voice