
Sign saying Radioactive Danger Deicer

We need your help! We need letters of support and phone calls to State Legislators! - We ask for your support in opposing Ohio House Bill 282 and SB 171 (Establish conditions for the sale of brine as a commodity) or any such bill that would commercialize brine and comes up before the 134th Ohio General Assembly. One such product, currently marketed under the name AquaSalina, was tested by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Results from the test revealed that this product contains high levels of Radium-226 and Radium-228.

House Bill 282 will have its second hearing this Thursday, May 20.  This hearing will only be for those that support the bill.  Testimony for those against the bill could come as early as next week, so there is still time to think about doing testimony, either in person or written.  If you would like help with writing your testimony, please feel free to contact us.  Below are links to both the House and Senate versions of the bills.

Please sign and share this letter of support and please call the representatives on the Energy and Natural Resource Committee and your representative and let them know to oppose this bill! –

Letter of Support - What is Radioactive Oil & Gas Waste Brine Spreading? Brine is oilfield waste from gas and oil wells. Ohio Department of Natural Resources tests shows it contains high levels of radioactive Radium.

Share the concerns and outrage of many Ohio citizens regarding the spread of radioactive oil and gas waste in Ohio communities.

We are asking for your support in opposing brine spreading in Ohio Here are resources from the Ohio Brine Task Force -

We have developed a Legislative Education Packet, which we would love to share with you.  Let me know if you are interested and I will forward.