
Ten Ways to Support the LGBTQI+ community
Green, blue, yellow red and purple hands reaching up

There are ways for straight and cis people to be supportive to the LGBTQ+ community that are more impactful than attending a Pride parade as an onlooker or marcher:

1. Volunteer with organizations that are putting on Pride events doing the work that is least fun – do trash pick up, help out in the parking lots, do clean up after the event. These roles are often filled by LGBTQ+ people who are missing out on the fun while allies are enjoying the festivities.

2. Offer to watch the children of LGBTQ+ people so they can attend parades and other events without children, if they want a kid-free day. Also, offer to do this for the evening events.

3. Give money to LGBTQ+ organizations, especially those that center trans folks and people of color.

4. Spend your money at LGBTQ+ owned businesses on days Pride isn’t happening.

5. Buy tickets to Pride events and offer them up to LGBTQ+ people. Some events are pricey and not all LGBTQ+ people can afford to go.

6. Drop LGBTQ+ people off and/or pick them up from the Parade. The traffic is wild and rides would be appreciated.

7. Read LGBTQ+ supportive books to the children in your lives. Better yet, donate some of these books to your child’s school and encourage teachers to read them to the whole class.

8. Visit with LGBTQ+ neighbors and friends who want to be celebrated but are unable to join the celebrations. Some people experience a high level of anxiety at busy Pride events or cannot safely be Out enough to attend such events, but they might still want company and a little fanfare for themselves.

9. If you attend a faith institution that is not intentionally open and affirming of LGBTQ+ people, get on that. Change the culture from within if possible.

10. If you really want to attend a Pride event, please step back. Literally. Let LGBTQ+ people have the front row at the parade. If you are physically/financially able, walk/bus/Lyft to the parade so you leave the limited parking spots to LGBTQ+ people. Also, there often belligerent and offensive anti-LGBTQ+ protestors at these events. Try to peacefully stand in front of the protestors with big umbrellas blocking them from view. Remember you are there to honor and celebrate the struggles of LGBTQ+ people.