Young black woman with a scarf on her head and sunglasses looking left in front of a tree

Wed, Oct. 10, 6-7:30pm
replenish: the spa co-op, 124 Washington Ave, 43215
R A D I C A L S E L F C A R E 
We are honored to have Nicole Steward (love_ethic_yoga) sharing space with our community on Wednesday 10/10. Nicole is an amazing human who stands fearlessly for creating space in this world for all of us. Her experiences as a foster parent, social worker and educator + her work surrounding Radical self care resonates deep with our mission. 
In Nicole’s words- 
“We live in challenging times and it can feel like we're just surviving day to day. Staying in "survival mode" long-term can deplete us. Thankfully, yoga and mindfulness give us tools to move beyond surviving toward thriving. Join us as we explore resilience practices (self-care, mindful movement, breath work, etc.) to keep us sustained and thriving in this challenging world”
Secure your space for this one time experience. No other classes will be held at the carriage house this evening. Share space with us and move deeper into your own care. Special class fee is $20. Registration is limited- register on the Replenish app or call 614 429-3165