Tuesday, February 4, 5pm, Columbus City Schools Southland Center, 3700 S. High St.
Columbus City Schools parents, students, teachers, and community members will gather at a rally to support the passage of the “Safe Green Schools” resolution by the Columbus School Board. The program will include a D.J. and students and parents speaking about what making green infrastructure improvements means to them. There will be a demonstration of solar panels and composting as visuals demonstrating what a green Columbus City Schools can look like. Participants will have homemade signs with messages affirming their support of board action on climate.
When: Tuesday, February 4
Rally Time: 5pm
Vote Time: During School Board meeting, following the rally, at 6pm
Where: Columbus City Schools Southland Center, 3700 S. High St.
Why: Community members, parents, educators, and students will come together to support the Board’s “yes” vote on a resolution for safe green schools. We will demonstrate strength in numbers to show that our community is united in this effort to prioritize health and sustainability in schools.
Taking action on climate at the city level is more imperative than ever, with national efforts halted by the new federal administration. As Columbus City Schools is the largest school district in the state, action by this school board will create an example that other smaller districts may follow.
Despite the ongoing challenges to federal Inflation Reduction Act funding, there are many avenues to making green infrastructure improvements that will result in the district saving money.
The benefits of passing and implementing this resolution include:
1. Public Health: Decarbonizing and upgrading school buildings means cleaner air and thermal comfort.
2. Good Jobs: The effort will provide high-quality, good-paying jobs and training opportunities for students and community members.
3. Cost Savings: Making buildings more energy efficient and installing solar means long-term cost savings for the district in reduced utility costs.
4. Fight Climate Change: Eliminating the use of fossil fuels in buildings and installing renewable energy is not only a significant step for the district in fighting climate change but will make the schools more resilient against extreme weather events.
About Safe Green Schools:
Safe Green Schools is working with Columbus Parent Impact to improve our schools. We represent a broad group of concerned organizations and individuals working together to win schools that usher in a green energy future. Parents, teachers, students, labor leaders, and policy experts are providing important leadership, with organizations like Ohio Organizing Collaborative and Ohio Environmental Council helping to lead the way.
RSVP for this event by using this link.
Hosted by Ohio Organizing Collaborative.