Details of event

Thursday, January 23, 5:00pm-6:00pm
Columbus Firefighters Union Local 67
379 West Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215

A rally will be held at 5pm on Thursday, January 23, 2020, to protest the  Franklin County Democratic Party’s (FCDP) release of its endorsements of candidates for the Central Committee, the Ohio 3rd Congressional District primary, and other state offices.  Under the FCDP endorsement system, the Party will now create a sample ballot of their preferred candidates and send it to all registered Democrats. Voters are encouraged to take this sanctioned list to the polling station and vote according to the FCDP recommendations.  

Who the individuals are that make the endorsements is generally unknown, as is the basis for their decision. This year we do know that the Chairman of the Central Committee endorsement group is Otto Beatty, husband of Joyce Beatty, the incumbent candidate for the contested position of Congressional Representative for the 3rd District. With no debates or chance for the public to review individual policies, Beatty has been endorsed by the Committee, over her opponent Morgan Harper.

“For too long, a wealthy and powerful few have made decisions for our communities. By doing nothing, we only reinforce the political power of corporate wealth and the political machine,” said Michael Liebert, a rally organizer. “We will gather Thursday and show that we will no longer stay silent but rather work to educate the citizens of Franklin County. Our grassroots power, our organization, our energy, and most importantly, our ideals, may change history and the future of Columbus.”

In addition, the rally is being called in support of #repyourblock2020, Morgan Harper for Congress, and all other Democratic primary candidates that have been systematically blocked from having their ideas heard by voters because of Party endorsements.