Details about event

Wednesday, June 28 - 1pm
Ohio Statehouse

Now is the time for us to gather in unity with one clear message --

We as Ohioans say NO to Cop City. 

We know what we need for safe communities, and this is not it.

Please wear red to support families impacted by police brutality and come with your knowledge of what we do need in the budget to make our communities safer.

For the past year the world has watched as activists and community members of Atlanta have fought against the proposed “Cop City,” and it seems officials in Ohio want to bring a similar training center to Central Ohio. Officials are looking to create a commission titled "The Joint Law Enforcement Training Center Study.” 

The goal of the commission is to study the cost to establish a Joint Law Enforcement Training Center for Ohio as the only place for law enforcement officers to receive the training for peace officers. Upon completion of the study, the Commission shall prepare a report of its findings and recommendations for establishing the Joint Law Enforcement Training Center for Ohio and submit the report to the Governor, the General Assembly, the Attorney General, and the Legislative Service Commission no later than July 1st, 2024.

We do not need to allocate more money to the police. Time and time again, they are given more than enough money, while our social programs that could actually prevent crime and violent citizen murders at the hands of police, are left with very few resources and penny-pinching budgets. 

We see the tricks and we see the games. We will not allow this facility to be built, to create more violent police officers when you refuse to discipline and hold your current officer accountable when they break the law or step out of line. We will fight against this and we will win.