Monday, July 2, 2018, 9:00 AM
First English Lutheran Church, 1015 E Main Street, Columbus, OH 43205
Miriam Vargas, originally from Honduras, is a long-term resident of Columbus, OH, and mother of two U.S. citizen daughters. Her decision comes as she has received an order of deportation which would separate her from her children forever. This happens as President Trump has increased the cruel and inhumane policies of immigrant detainments and separation of mothers from their children. Through sanctuary at First English Lutheran Church, she hopes to find the legal and community support she needs to keep her family together. In Miriam's words, “I have no other choice but to enter sanctuary. I am doing this to keep my family together. My two children are what matters. I need to be with them”. It will be a rough road ahead with an uncertain timeline, but she will not be alone. In Columbus, she will join Edith Espinal who has been in sanctuary for over 9 months at the Columbus Mennonite Church and will become the 5th person in Ohio to be in sanctuary publicly.