Saturday, June 25, 5pm, Columbus Square Bowling Palace, 5707 Forest Hills Blvd.
Come join us for our annual bowling fundraiser! Come have a good time for a great cause. Registration is now open!
Trophies will be awarded to:
• Top three Adult Teams
• Best Male and Female Bowler
• Medals to Top three Child Bowlers
• Teams of four players
• $25 Adult Bowling Ticket: four games of bowling, shoe rental, pizza and soda
• $20 Adult Non-Bowling Ticket: Pizza and soda
• $15 Child Bowling Ticket: two games of bowling, shoe rental, pizza and soda (12 and under)
• $10 Child Bowling Ticket: Pizza and soda (12 and under)
The Faith Thomas Foundation raises funds and awareness to benefit and provide support to the transitional program, between Nationwide Children’s Hospital and Ohio State’s Comprehensive Cancer Center / James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute, to improve the care of patients as they transition from childhood to adulthood. This transition program will provide services that will make for a seamless transition.
The transition from childhood to adulthood is already a tough transition. Living with Sickle Cell makes it even more difficult. There are many factors that cause this transition to be difficult.
• A higher proportion of Sickle Cell adolescents are receiving public health insurance.
• Limited insurance coverage and reimbursement for care coordination.
• Low high school and graduation and financial independence.
• There is a high rate of mortality in the 18-to-26-year-old population.
The Faith Thomas Foundation is dedicated to help make the change from childhood care to adult care as easy on the patient and caregivers as possible. Our main goal is to help provide financial support to help patients deal with Sickle Cell and medical systems as adults.
RSVP for this event by using this link.
Fundraiser for Faith Thomas Foundation.