
Solar generator
Solar Noon Tuesday each week at noon eastern time (GMT-4, 11:00 am central, 10 am mountain, 9 am pacific) is your chance to stay up-to-date with what is happening in the fast-changing world of solar PV

Solar Noon Tuesday will take place again this week, Tuesday June 6th at noon (eastern time) until around 12:45 pm.


Join instructor Jay Warmke on Zoom to ask questions about anything related to solar energy or solar installation.


This is your opportunity to ask questions of fellow PV installers/designers, or just listen to the discussion about topics touching this fast-growing industry.


Zoom Meeting ID: 910 6700 4366
Password: 625623

Join the Zoom Meeting

Standard Agenda:
1)  Weekly solar news
2)  Announcements/Events
3)  Items from the group
4)  Closer look at a PV issue or discusson topic

This week's discussion topic:
What is UL 1741 SB and why are inverter manufacturers promoting it?
Join the Zoom Meeting

ETA Solar Certification Credits

Each of these sessions have been approved by ETA-I and qualify for 30 minutes (1/2 hour) of continuing education credit for their solar PV certifications. 


You can access past sessions and/or get a certificate of attendance (find the session you attended and click "completed") at

Past Sessions / Certificate of Attendance