We have chosen the Goodale Park Parimeter for the Walk for Health Care Justice this year. It will take place during ComFest, occurring in the Park, making our presence visible to hundreds of people as we walk. We hope to have announcements about our action from one or more of the ComFest Stages, asking for other people to join us.
We invite you, family and friends to participate in this 1 mile walk for Health Care Justice. It will take less than 1 hour.
We will meet before 4 PM on the North-East corner of Goodale Park, at the intersection of Park Street and Buttles Avenue, begin will a few words and walk clockwise around the Park. If you have a SPAN Ohio T-shirt and sign, please bring them. We will have some signs available. Bring a noisemaker.
This is a SPAN Ohio Fund Raising event. You may donate whatever you can, and ask others to sponsor you for the walk. Last year we raised about $1,700 during walking on North High Street.
I hope you will join us, on Saturday, June 25th at 4 PM, at the Northeast Corner of Goodale Park for the Walk for Health Care Justice, a cause that will help everyone of us! (RAIN DATE! SUNDAY, June 26th same time and place!) Enjoy ComFest before and after the Walk!