Here is Mr. Simmons statement in its entirety:
“I am writing directly to our community once again to express a sincere apology of what has transpired. I am deeply sorry and ashamed.
I want to provide additional clarity to our community:
I can disclose the following three meetings:
7pm May 9th at the Fawcett Center: with President Christina Vera, Superintendent Dr. Anglea Chapman, Board Member Brandon Simmons. A version of this document dated May 9th is still in existence, Christina Vera and Angela Chapman provided feedback and suggestions that were placed in the document dated May 10th.
3:30 pm May 10th at CEC Cabinet Room: with President Christina Vera, Superintendent Dr. Chapman, Board Members Jennifer Adair and Brandon Simmons. Additionally, Dr. Anglea Chapman invited staff from the Office of the Superintendent, the Communications Department, and an external participant. Prior to the May 10 meeting, Dr. Chapman distributed the May 9th document to her staff.
The May 14th press conference is a direct result of the document and this meeting.
10am May 13th via Zoom: Weekly Leadership Call with President Christina Vera, Vice President Tina Pierce, Superintendent Dr. Angela Chapman. Tina Pierce invited me. The document was discussed further in detail, next steps were decided and action items were assigned. Additional document dated May 13th in existence.
At this meeting Christina Vera made the decision to move our next Board meeting to 3700 South High. (page 4)
I am deeply sorry that this document was written and that I acted in a way that was not in line with my values. In addition, I am very sorry that my colleagues and I chose to implement elements of this plan. The unfortunate reality is multiple board members including the Board President, Board Vice President agreed to elements of this plan and were actively implementing portions of this plan.
Additionally at this time, I have made the decision to obtain my own legal counsel and will begin the process of responding to public records requests once I have obtained my own legal counsel to guide me through this complicated process. I recognize that this is a challenging time for our community and I hope folks will understand this is the necessary and best step for myself moving forward.”