
The following statements can be attributed all or in part to the Save Ohio Parks Steering Committee:

Save Ohio Parks is deeply saddened, but not surprised that the Oil and Gas Land Management Commission decided to allow fracking under our pristine and beloved state parks, wildlife areas, and public lands when four other states have already banned fracking and we are all living in the midst of an unprecedented climate catastrophe just beginning to unfold.

That this law could even be passed in Ohio speaks to the corruption in the Ohio Statehouse today and our federal government’s failing policies and laws that continue to enable an energy policy centered on corporate greed, not the needs of the people and the planet.

The reason these five individuals were appointed to this commission by Gov. Mike DeWine was for their support of the fossil fuel industry donations and dark money, despite extensive scientific evidence for the dangers of fracking to our environment and health.

DeWine and these five commissioners are not stupid. They know, and everyone who works in and supports the oil and gas industry knows, that commissioners made the absolutely wrong decision today for Ohioans’ health, our parks and public lands, our air, soil and water quality and ours and the world’s children and grandchildren. But the bottom line is, they did not care enough to do the right thing.

Save Ohio Parks will continue to educate Ohio voters on the dangers of fracking and fossil fuels, and attempt to hold climate villains accountable for their actions. We thank other environmental organizations and the public for their support and look forward to continuing the fight to preserve and protect Ohio’s precious natural resources and public lands.

On the OGLMC public process:

This was an undemocratic process from the very beginning — we were not allowed to directly address or ask commission members’ questions during so-called “public hearings” over the past 11 months, since HB 507 — the legality of which is still being litigated in an Ohio court -- was passed.

We pledge today to continue to educate Ohioans on the dangers of fracking and hold Gov. Mike DeWine and the Ohio legislature accountable for their actions. We thank the public for their support during this endeavor and will continue to work toward environmental and social justice for the people of Ohio.