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From Code Pink:
The normalization deal between Israel and the UAE includes a “secret” provision of tens of billions of dollars in U.S. weapons sales to the UAE, one of the countries that has waged a war in Yemen, turning it into the worst humanitarian crisis on the planet. Israel, the UAE, and Bahrain (also normalizing relations with Israel) are partners in war crimes from Palestine to Yemen and no more weapons should go to these countries either for free to Israel to use on Palestinians or for sale to the UAE or Bahrain to use on the people of Yemen.  The Trump administration can’t sell the weapons to the UAE or Bahrain without Congressional approval. Write to your congresspeople now and ask them to oppose any weapons sales to the UAE, Bahrain, or any country involved in the war in Yemen. No to normalization, no to apartheid, no weapons sales to repressive regimes.  Sign the petition here