President Biden created the Interagency Task Force on Reunification of Families in Executive Order 14011, one of his first acts in office. Now, the government is seeking recommendations from the public about this Task Force. We know that all families deserve to reunite! Take these actions below to send this message to the Biden administration TODAY.
FIRST, click to send a message to the Task Force.
On the right side, there is a message already written that you can send. If you are personally affected by deportation, we recommend you delete the pre-written message and use this space to write about your own experiences. When you are done writing the message, hit the red button to send!
Your story and name WILL be included on a federal website. Do not share sensitive or private information. If you prefer, you may use an “alias” rather than your real name.
Your contact information will NOT be included on the website.
The deadline to comment is January 9, 2022 at 11:59pm ET.
Share photos with the public by emailing
SECOND, ask your family and friends to send messages!
Sample email or text message
The Biden administration is asking for suggestions for how to fix the Trump administration's "family separation" policy. Join me and let the Biden administration know that deportation is devastating for all families, including those who were deported from our homes inside the U.S. Click on this link before January 10 to send a quick and easy message:
Pass it on! #ReuniteUS
Sample Twitter post (or retweet here)
Deportation has devastated families at the border AND inside US. Join me in telling @POTUS ALL families must be made whole. Submit a comment to Family Reunification Task Force: These families cannot be forgotten! #ReuniteUS
Sample Facebook post (or share here)
Deportation has devastated families at the border AND inside the US. Join me in telling the Biden administration that ALL families must be made whole. Submit a comment to the Family Reunification Task Force here: Deadline is 11:59pm on January 9. These families cannot be forgotten! #ReuniteUS
THEN, help these Ohioans get back to their families.
This is what deportation does. Tina hasn't held her babies in five years. Moussa's family is close to losing their home because they cannot keep up with the mortgage bills, following his deportation.
WATCH this story about Tina and her family on Spectrum News 1. Donate to her legal fees and help save Moussa's family home. Share these links far and wide.
Thank you.
DRAFT Public Comment from the Ohio Immigrant Alliance
"The True Costs of Deportation," Julia Preston, The Marshall Project
"Unraveling of Trump policies a distant hope for separated immigrant families," Kristina Cooke and Mica Rosenberg, Reuters
"They Were Deported By Trump. Now Biden Wants to Bring them Back," Julia Preston, POLITICO Magazine
"Deported asylum seekers ask President Joe Biden for a chance to return to families in U.S.," Yilun Cheng, Columbus Dispatch
"US Officials Outrageously Claim Black Men Fleeing Slavery Lack 'Credible Fear'," Frances Madeson, Truthout
"A New Paradigm for Humane and Effective Immigration Enforcement," Peter L. Markowitz, Center for American Progress
Fundraiser: Help This Ohio Family Reunite
Fundraiser: Save Moussa's Family Home