If I find out Matt Miner is in a band. I know I will like the music. I saw the Third Pyramid Band included Matt Miner. Matt’s portfolio is unparalleled. The Columbus skateboard legend played in Three Studies For A Crucification and Teeth of the Hydra. Three Studies were an important band during Hardcore Columbus’ formative years in the 90’s. After Three Studies, his next group Teeth of the Hydra were a nationally known doom metal band once the punks decided Sabbath is the ultimate working man’s music in the early aughts. I loved Matt’s next band, Nukkkehammer.
I attended the Third Pyramid Band show. I know the Third Pyramid Band show wouldn’t be wack. I was impressed. Third Pyramid landed hardcore’s progression into saving rock’n’roll. A lady singer named Nic crooned like Janis Joplin or Grace Slick while a band plays with black sabbath accent.
The Third Pyramid Band is the best newish band in Columbus. It ain’t even a contest.
I recommend The Third Pyramid Band @ Cafe Bourbon Street/March 8th.
I interviewed our favorite hessian about Third Pyramid band and Columbus countercultures.
Wes Flexner- Did The Third Pyramid band name itself after a Giza pyramid, Menkaure?
Matt- Naw it’s a lyric from the B-52s song “Mesopotamia”
I just played B-52’s Mesopotamia. That song discusses history. He says, “..I should read the book?”
Are there any books you recommend?
The illuminatus Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson
Lol…. I founded i.o graffiti crew after reading Robert Anton Wilson.
What’s yr skateboard set-up in 2025?
Krooked Ray Barbee, hardly ridden. I can’t really skate anymore, it’s really painful.
As a young skateboarder I respected Matt. I wore a Chicago Bulls Starter jacket with some Nike Cortez Classics. I was bumping Pac. Matt advised I should give De La Soul a listen. I already liked De La Soul but I respected the advice.
Which De La Soul record is your favorite?
Def. “3 feet high & rising.”
Do you like street skating or skateparks better?
Dodge or Sunsports?
Dodge all the way.
Three Studies for a Crucifixion?
I was the vocalist.
I own the 3 Studies/Melt Banana Split. Nerd bsa/i.o. said his favorite Neil House show was with Karp from K-Records.
Did Three Studies play with Karp @ Neil House?
Yes, KARP is the best band I’ve ever seen. Legendary show- Halloween 1995. Harriet the Spy & Monster Zero also played. Seeing KARP was the main inspiration for Teeth of the Hydra. Everyone in TOTH was at that show.
Why is that Karp/Three Studies/Harriet The Spy/Monster Zero Show so memorable?
KARP was so powerful and melodic. Incredible musicians- especially their drummer. The rest of the band had to turn up so loud to keep up with his power. The windows were shaking. Somehow you could still hear the vocals.
Who all did Three Studies play shows with?
1 million bands but my favorites were:
I was told we played with HARVEY MILK in Charlotte, NC but I don’t remember it.
Did Three Studies play More Than Music?
Yah three or four times.
For those who weren’t around, please give a brief description of the event.
It was a yearly DIY hardcore punk festival in Dayton & Columbus. I feel like it was a miracle the organizers pulled it off every year.
Lotsa lefty political discussions, organizing & activism. About 30 bands would play over a weekend. Smelly kids would come from all over the world and camp in my backyard.
Three Studies were a Hardcore band.
Three Studies started out as a weird hardcore band in 1993 then morphed into a weird metal band by 1999.
Teeth were metal. You still work with Dennis from 3 Studies From Nukkehammer?
Nukkehammer is on hiatus. Dennis has a great new band called Hell is Her.e
Why were Black Sabbath Anthems an organic progression for hardcore kids?
Yah for sure! A lot of hardcore music sounds like bad Black Sabbath when you slow it down. I think hardcore punks relate to the Sabs lyrics. Dark and real.
Everyone from Nirvana into High Of Fire were influenced by Sabbath?
Black Sabbath is the alpha and omega. I don’t think hardcore would exist without Sabbath. Bad Brains loved Black Sabbath. Every good Ramones song sounds like a version of Paranoid.
Teeth of the Hydra were another one of yr legendary bands.
I did vocals and guitar in TOTH
Teeth of the Hydra released an Ohio opus, Greenland from Tee Pee Records. Tee Pee Records released music from High on Fire, Spirit Caravan, Iron Age, Witch, Al-Qasar, and other revered bands.
Is Greenland for sale from Tee Pee or is it out of print?
Greenland is still in print. I don’t think it sold too well.The US metal press didn’t like it but Fenriz from Darkthrone loved it. That was vindicating.
Cool Cool.
I like the Shaggs but I prefer Sabbath. Do you think Teeth’s first drummer Josh Reed is better than the Shaggs drummer?
I don’t know the Shaggs so Yes.
Do you think Teeth’s second drummer Jamie Stillman is a better drummer than The Shagg’s drummer?
Is Third Pyramid’s drummer a better player than the drummer of the Shaggs?
Who play drums for Third Pyramid?
Scott Vogel.
I’m assuming that isn’t Scott Vogel the lead singer of Terror?
I sure hope not.
I don’t know the names of the other names of people in your band. Unless Third Pyramids is a secretive swingers club in burial enclosures. I am assuming you know the names of the members of your band.
Nic- vocals
Scott- drums
Matt- guitar
Joe- bass
Is your bass player more like Joe Lally or Dan Lilker?
Joe Lally. Hanging out right next to the drums.
Three Studies and Teeth are both considered amongst the elite of Columbus bands ever.
That’s very flattering!
Third Pyramid’s sound doesn’t disappoint people who know yr music.
If Third Pyramid band soundtracked any skate video. Who would be the rider or company?
Neil Blender.
Are there any aspirations for Third Pyramid?
I feel blessed to play creative music at age 51. That’s enough for me. I think the other members feel the same. We are recording a record right now that seems like a big accomplishment. I will be very excited to share this music when it’s done!
Watch Third Pyramid Band @ Cafe Bourbon Street March 8th….
Friday May 2