Four squares, top left looks like a sculpture, top right is the words Transit Arts, bottom right is a series of paintings on easels and bottom left a woman black girl painting at an easel

TRANSIT ARTS, a program of Central Community House (CCH) and the Columbus Federation of Settlements, is a youth arts development program working in partnership with the Ohio Alliance for Arts Education. TRANSIT ARTS transports young people to a place of discovery -- where creative abilities expand & doors open to a world of possibilities. Our team of inspiring professional artists guide and learn from young people as we travel together to reveal and nurture our talents and entrepreneurial abilities.

TRANSIT ARTS engages young people, ages 12-21, with a wide variety of interactive, multi-disciplinary arts workshops. Workshops are FREE for youth members. TRANSIT ARTS activities are made possible through support from: United Way of Central Ohio; Franklin County Board of Commissioners, The Ohio Arts Council, and The Puffin Foundation through the Ohio Alliance for Arts Education; the Alfred L. Wilson Charitable Fund of The Columbus Foundation, and individual contributors. *The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of the Franklin County Board of Commissioners

Central Community House is a comprehensive community center serving near east and near south neighborhoods of Columbus since 1936. It was created as part of the Settlement House movement that brought social services to dwell within in the neighborhoods where the community had the most needs. In this neighbor-to-neighbor, grassroots way, the community members worked together creating a hub where they could give and receive help, quickly and efficiently responding to the most pressing issues and opportunities in their own area at any given time. Settlement Houses hold to the philosophy of building creative partnerships among people of all races and economic levels for the purpose of creating a society of equal justice and opportunity for all. In this tradition, Central Community House serves as a catalytic agent for neighborhood improvement and increased quality of life. We have a long history of success offering programs such as early education child care, afterschool/summer programs, TRANSIT ARTS/teen development, Seniors Program, neighborhood development and advocacy, family strengthening, social work services, basic/emergency materials assistance and workforce development.

The Central Community House mission is to empower people to reach their full potential, to be self-supporting and to live cooperatively with all others.


Download forms by clicking on the titles below:

Membership & Permission Forms (required for participation)

CD (Creative Dream) of Your Life ~ Questions for Artists

(tell us more about yourself)

Skills Assessment Questions (these are the areas where you can expect to grow)

TRANSIT ARTS c/o Central Community House 1150 East Main Street Columbus OH 43205 614-252-3157 Ext. 128