
Details about event

Don’t Let Developers Gentrify Southern Orchards!
Saturday, March 20, 1pm, 641 E. Kossuth St.
Facebook Event

A developer is trying to build several expensive homes in the South Orchards neighborhood, ranging from $250,000-$350,000, on land where a community garden currently sits.
On top of taking away valued community green space, expensive developments like this lead to gentrification through increased housing costs on current residents. To make matters worse, the developer announced that he would be applying for tax abatements — meaning that any benefits from these homes, like increased funding towards schools, would be lost.
The Southern Orchards Civic Association already voted against rezoning the land to build expensive homes, and many community members have come out against the developments.
This isn’t just about one garden, it’s about City Hall’s neoliberal approach to housing in general. Recently, the Council announced that it will only give $100,000 to low-income residents to repair their homes. Why can the Council only spare $100,000 to help working-class residents, yet they hand out tax abatements to big developers and wealthy corporations? Hosted by Columbus Socialist Alternative.
Housing is already unaffordable and working-class homeowners shouldn’t be subsidizing expensive developments and corporations. Socialist Alternative calls for:

• Workers shouldn’t have to subsidize expensive developments: No to any tax abatements for the new homes at the expense of the community!
• Tax big business to fund permanently affordable, socially-owned housing
• Fund parks, playgrounds, and public community green spaces
• Fund our schools, green jobs, healthcare, and public transit
• Let the neighborhood decide what happens: We need democratic community control of our neighborhoods and communities!

Vigil for Eight for the Lives lost in the Atlanta Shooting
Saturday, March 20, 7-8pm, Goodale Park Gazebo, 120 W. Goodale St.
Facebook Event

There will be an in-person vigil today at 7pm at the Goodale Park Gazebo in the Short North.
We will hold space for the women who were killed in Atlanta, Georgia. This space is also for Asian Americans to process their grief and anger during these difficult past few days. However, white allies and other POC folks are encouraged to come as this fight against racial inequality cannot be accomplished without support from all fronts.
Please wear black or white to the event. And please avoid the color red; we want to be sensitive to the customs and traditions of people who we are grieving. Please wear a mask over the nose and mouth.
Also, please donate! The folks at Asian Americans Advancing Justice Atlanta are coordinating funds that will be directly donated to families. Please use this link to donate.
Hosted by Anakbayan not Cbus