We're Still Here! march and rally
Tuesday, August 11, 6pm
Goodale Park
Facebook Event
BLM march. Meet with me at Goodale park and let's march to campus to let everyone know we're still here.
BQIC Speak Up: Spoken Word & Open Mic
Tuesday, August 11, 8-9:30pm
Facebook Event
http://www.paypal.me/blackqueercolumbus DJ Love Higher is spinnin tunes to open up and close the space! We have two features for August, Pearl Scott and n/shrike, that are both music features!! Ayeee! Our first time with this y’all! Bios! Pearl Scott bio: Pearl Scott is a Jazz and R&B singer born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana. In 2015 released her first album: Winter’s Out, which can be found on bandcamp.com. Shortly after, she enlisted in the Army as a vocalist performing on large stages in the South-East region of the country and toured with the US Army Recruiting band all around the nation. After four years, she jumped back into the music scene performing in Musicals, Cabarets, and performance groups all around town. Her hope is to keep growing in her craft and using her music as a vehicle for collective unity and awareness. You can find her singles ‘Save Me(One Love)’ and ‘Sink Into Me’ on all platforms. n/shrike bio: Invoking bird-swarm, n/shrike cuts air with mouthfuls of poetic lyricism backed by fits of organized noise. Visually-stimulated sound pieces that call for forceful movement are balanced by more ambient songs for thoughtful rest. n/shrike, née columbus, is a Chicago-based artist hatched out of necessity: an unbosomed creator. They are interested in the automation and programming of voice, the intersection of movement and sound and the space of experimentation for her voice and writing. Join us:
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