Wellness and Safety Fair
Saturday, April 21, 10am-2pm
Woodward Park Community Center, 5147 Karl Road
It will be a fun filled day where people of all ages can have a good time learning about wellness, health, and safety. Workshops and tabling by: United Healthcare, Lowes, Woodward Park Community Center, IBT, Faith Thomas Foundation, VSP, The Center for Health Families, Franklin County Children Services, Hands On, Shawnee State, Action for Children, Cancer Support, Doterra-oils, OSU, Columbus Public Library, Be the Match, CPR, Fire & Safety, Sheriffs Department, CPR and Blood Pressure Information.
Tom Neilson Concert
Saturday, April 21, 7:30-10:30pm
Columbus Mennonite Church, 35 Oakland Park
A concert by Tom Neilson, folksinger and storyteller extraordinaire. He'll be performing at Columbus Mennonite Church on April 21 at 7:30. Steve and I will open for him. Suggested donation $15. Tom's songs are powerful social and political commentaries which resonate with the work of Bob Dylan and Phil Ochs.