Details about event

Join Policy Matters Ohio for a screening of the documentary The Disrupted! 
Wednesday, October 28, 2020, 7:00 PM
What do a farmer in Kansas, a laid-off factory worker in Ohio, and an Uber driver in Florida have in common? All three are resourceful, positive thinkers who strive to adapt and thrive despite dehumanizing forces at play in the American economy. As the film’s heroes face these roadblocks with courage, certain ideals remain sacred: family, love, and staying strong in the face of adversity. Lush cinematography galvanizes a sense of place and, as the narrative unfolds, the intimacy with the characters results in an emotionally rich observational drama. Ultimately, “The Disrupted” reveals a collective American experience of financial challenge, family resilience, and the quest for the purpose and dignity of work. You will be sent a link to watch the film via email 1 hour before the event start time. Panel discussion will follow at 8:30 PM.  More information and registration here


Virtual Showing of "Rigged" and panel discussion
Wednesday, October 28, 2020, 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Rigged: The Voter Suppression Playbook takes a rigorous look at voter suppression and sparks spirited discussion on the actions needed to protect our democracy. This award-winning documentary was shot principally during the 2016 election. The film tracks a systematic, decade-long effort to suppress votes at scale and reverse the growing demographic tide of non-white and younger voters who helped elect President Barack Obama in 2008. Using cinema verite, #RiggedTheFilm details a variety of mendacious voter suppression “plays,” or tactics, ranging from the purging of voting rolls and passing of new, restrictive voter ID laws to gerrymandering and voter intimidation. It is narrated by Emmy & Tony award-winning actor, Jeffrey Wright. (70 minutes). Panelists include: Gail L. Lowe, Church Women United, Dr. Gene Harris, Former Superintendent of Columbus City Schools, Rev. Dr. Tim Ahrens, First Congregational Church, and Ray Miller, Publisher of the Columbus African-American News Journal. Register here