September 27, 2023 @ 7pm
Free Registration:
Host: American Society of Media Photographers, Ohio Valley chapter
ASMP Ohio Valley will host a Zoom panel discussion September 27, 2023 at 7pm on the new Freelance Pay Protections rolled out by Columbus City Hall this year. Attendance is free.
To dig into the details of what these rules are and what they mean for you, whether you are an independent contractor or an employer hiring one, we are hosting a panel discussion with Kirsten Estose, the drafter of the legislation that we’ll be discussing; New York-based Eric Thurm, National Writers union and Freelance Solidarity Project, who advocated for the “Freelance isn’t Free” Act in New York City, and Taylor Dorrell, a Columbus-based writer and photographer and local member of the Freelance Solidarity Project who brought the idea to the Columbus City Council.