
Details about event

Over the past weeks, we have seen violence that’s been incited by harmful political rhetoric. The words of people with power have real impact on our lives. The people of Springfield, Ohio - our neighbors - have experienced these consequences in profound and frightening ways.

Your voice, your prayers, and your presence are a powerful way to counteract the violence. Please join us this weekend for a Zoom Live event to stand in solidarity with the Springfield community as we reject fear and choose love.


Register Today!

Register today for a special virtual gathering of clergy, faith leaders, and community members across Ohio this Sunday, September 22, at 6 pm hosted by Faith in Public Life and our partners at Red Wine and Blue, the Ohio Organzing Collaborative, Innovation Ohio and the Ohio Conference of the NAACP. 

This is not a political rally. It’s a moment to ease the fears by naming them and shedding light on the real consequences of divisive rhetoric in our communities and our country. We will tell the truth about Springfield, a community that represents the best of American values—resilience, unity, and love. This event is a rejection of division and an embrace of unity.

As politicians spread harmful lies about Springfield, Americans from all walks of life are coming together to stand with the people of the city and to call for courageous leaders who will ensure that all families, regardless of background, can thrive.

Join us as we hear from Springfield parents, students, teachers, business owners, and faith leaders—each sharing how their lives have been impacted by these attacks. This gathering will also provide practical ways we can all support the truth, uplift Springfield families, and take positive action.


Event Details

Who: Faith in Public Life, our partners at Red Wine and Blue, the Ohio Organizing Collaborative, Innovation Ohio, the Ohio Conference of the NAACP and clergy, faith leaders and community members from across Ohio 

Where: Zoom (link provided after registration) 

When: Sunday, September 22 at 6 pm ET

How:  Register Here!