Tuesday, March 11, all day
March 11, 2025 is the 14th anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
It's time for our annual boycott of grid electricity as a protest against nuclear power and to remember the victims of the Fukushima meltdowns, past, present, and future. March 11 is the 14th anniversary of the nuclear disaster that contaminated so much of Japan, rendering parts uninhabitable forever. That is a fate that could await any community near a nuclear plant anywhere in the world.
That's why, for the 24 hours of March 11, Fukushima Day, people will be boycotting grid power as much as possible. There are four Levels, from simple conservation through to putting more power on the grid using solar or wind than your household uses that day.
It may seem that the simple act of turning out lights would not be enough to shut down as entrenched an industry as nuclear power. However, we are following in the tradition of Ghandi who, through the simple act of making salt from seawater, brought down British colonial rule in India. The truth is that the nuclear industry is failing. Even without Fukushima, plants are closing all over the world. Sometimes - as in Crystal River, Florida - it is because they are literally falling apart. Other plants are being shut for economic reasons, and still more - such as Vermont Yankee - are being closed because of pressure from the people. It will not take much more pressure at this critical time to cause the industry to collapse altogether. Let's apply that pressure.
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