Older white man with white hair and wire rimmed glasses gesturing and speaking at a podium
From Just Foreign Policy:  In the wake of the Saudi regime’s assassination of Saudi-American journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Senator Bernie Sanders is promising to bring back SJRes 54 for a vote next month to end U.S. participation in the catastrophic Saudi war in Yemen. This is key because we need Americans to look anew at U.S. participation in the Saudi war in Yemen now in light of the Saudi regime’s assassination of Khashoggi, and we need Americans to engage Congress now to help make sure we win the Yemen war powers votes in the House and Senate in November.     Sanders said: "The recent disappearance and likely assassination of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi only underscores how urgent it has become for the United States to redefine our relationship with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Since 2015, the Saudi-led war in Yemen has become the world's largest humanitarian disaster. Earlier this year, along with Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), I introduced Senate Joint Resolution 54, which uses 1973 War Powers Resolution to compel the Trump administration to withdraw U.S. involvement in this war. This past March, the Senate tabled this resolution by a vote of 55-44. This crisis has only gotten worse since then, and our complicity even greater.   Next month, I intend to bring SJ Res 54 back for a vote to give the Senate another opportunity to end U.S. support for this catastrophe, to reassert Congressional authority over matters of war, and to show the Saudi government that they do not have a blank check from the United States to continue human rights violations.”    Bernie told CNN:  "I think one of the strong things that we can do is not only stop military sales, not only put sanctions on Saudi Arabia, but most importantly, get out of this terrible, terrible war in Yemen led by the Saudis."  Meanwhile, Ro Khanna and Mark Pocan are organizing to force a vote to end the war in the House in tandem with the vote that Bernie is going to force in the Senate. Khanna and Pocan are pressing U.S. intelligence agencies to publcly disclose what they already know about the Saudi regime’s plotting to harm Khashoggi.    Urge your Rep. to sign the Khanna-Pocan letter demanding that the U.S. government disclose what it already knows about the Saudi regime's assassination of Khashoggi.