
Tuesday, November 21, noon
Talking points for signature collection

register here.

Yesterday, the Ballot Board approved the Citizens Not Politicians as a single subject. This means, as soon as petition booklets are printed, we are ready to roll!

We will have booklets in hand as soon as Monday, Nov. 27, and we are currently organizing to get them distributed to local leaders across the state.

If you haven’t done so yet, sign up to circulate petition books by filling out this form.


If you have already signed up, thank you! We have your sign up. Local leaders will be reaching out to you soon to let you know about when you can pick up booklets.

The signature collection phase of this campaign starts now and will continue through May or June, so don’t panic if you can’t start right away.

We do need all circulators to be trained! We have three trainings scheduled in the coming weeks and will be adding trainings through the winter and spring.

In addition, we will be holding regular trainings to cover topics such as how to talk about the Citizens Not Politicians campaign, background about gerrymandering and redistricting reform, and more.