Movie poster

Monday, June 3 – June 10, 2024

SOS is an empowering story of successful community action to shut down leaking reactors. But then they discover horrific amounts of high-level radioactive waste lethal for millions of years are being placed in thin canisters only 108 ft. from the rising sea. Criminal mismanagement of radioactive waste is a syndrome at all 93 reactors in the U.S. and beyond. Will safer alternatives be taken in time?  

The film will be available at no charge for video on demand viewing anytime from June 3 through June 10 thanks to an educational grant from the Grassroots Network of the Sierra Club to the Nuclear Free Team at this website.  

Plus, join us for a follow-up SOS Webinar on June 10th at 8:00 PM with The San Onofre Syndrome: Nuclear Power's Legacy Discussion Panel with two of the filmmakers and a panel of experts.

Register for the webinar here