Support HERE (Red Cloud Renewable Energy Center Non Profit, sponsor/collaborator; PLAN: fund sustainable construction of yurts to house water protectors now and onward, to build the regenerative economy in MN and beyond) More info on the strategy HERE See Speaking Tour Schedule BELOW And to offer action, email: THE PROBLEM: Trump is the sign that our government is useless- or worse Extractive industries are ramping up their destruction: The tar sands are pushing out in all directions- extraction is expanding west toward BC, south via the KXL, and now east into Minnesota with the Public Utilities Commission's disregard for environmental regulatory process We all need to see that the oil-based economy is like a disease on the Earth- it's roads and pipelines contaminating the flows of nature, spilling toxins and poisoning the soil, while it has seeped into our very hearts and souls and hardened them against suffering and oppression. Do not let fear and comfort lure you to complacency!! The unhealthy industry and culture feeds on fossil fuel expansion- and it Must Be Stopped! It is up to US. THE SOLUTION: Let the action camps that bravely rise to stand against the pipeline (Black Snake) be the seeds to a new healthy thriving culture based on ecological solutions! Let us build Yurt Village Schools teaching indigenaeity and localism- so beautiful the world can't bear to see them beaten- or is at least galvanized to action at their destruction Let Us Help These Seeds Grow and Spread. Please Join me in Supporting the Line 3 Water Protectors!!! This time, let us channel resources through indigenous community leaders who have been committed to local, renewable, self-sufficient solutions for decades, and who can share on the resources most effectively with all who are dedicated to this way of living. (such as Winona Leduke, and Henry Red Cloud) Click HERE to help outfit the Lakota Solar Water Protectors with the gear we'll use to Stop the Black Snake, and simultaneously build and spread a CoOperative Economy of Abundance! See more information HERE, and HERE and should you be in these areas please come get connected in person! (thank you for your solidarity, patience and understanding- everything (esp websites) being built on the fly, especially Decent Designs is heavily under construction) SPEAKING TOUR:
7-25: Athens, OH :
7-26: Columbus, OH :
7-27: Bloomington, IN :
7-29: Chicago, IL :
7-30: Madison? Viroqua?