Thursday, May 11, 8-9:30pm
MadLab, 227 N. Third St.
Enjoy a night at the theater and laugh for a cause by joining us for a fundraiser to support Women Have Options! Let's go out and have fun with our repro freedom friends at MadLab Theatre. MadLab will be donating a portion of supporter ticket sales back to WHO/O to help break down barriers to abortion access. Just tell them you're there with Women Have Options or show them this page on your cell phone! Invite your friends!
The show starts at 8pm, and you can buy your tickets at the door (unless we sell out!) or online at
The Show: Theatre Roulette is made up of 3 separate and totally different nights of shows. So if you come 3 nights in a row, you will not see the same play twice. On May 11th, the show will be -
Inside Bets
directed by Stephen Woosley, assisted by Tay Lane and Jason Sudy
Includes plays:
5:53 by Christopher Lockheardt
The Last Word by JC Cifranic
Speed Date by David Susman
Ask Me Anything by Philip Middleton Williams
Homeland Security by Matthew Widman
Deal by Stephen Woosley
A Wicked Slice by John Busser