From the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence
Time is running out and the decision to sign -- or to veto -- permitless concealed carry in Ohio must be decided by Governor DeWine in just a few days. If you haven't contacted him to say "veto this bill," you can still do so. We ask our supporters to contact Governor DeWine and make their collective voices heard. We must all tell him to veto this dangerous bill that would allow permitless concealed carry in Ohio. Please click the following link NOW to be heard: It will take you to a Call to Action contact form that will send a message directly to the Governor’s office that you want him to veto SB 215. You can also call his office Monday and Tuesday during business hours at 614-466-3555 and tell the person who answers the phone that you want Governor DeWine to veto S.B. 215. The only thing they ask for is your zip code. The Ohio House passed S.B. 215 in session on March 2 and the bill still sits on the desk of Governor DeWine for his action -- he has 10 days after passage to sign or veto, or it becomes law without his signature. You can read more about the bill in this article from the Ohio Capital Journal.