Black and white photo of three Latino people, a young girl with long brown hair looking down, a middle-aged woman with a black T-shirt and necklace looking down and a young man looking very worried, all holding hands with several people behind them
16 January 2018

Tuesday, Jan 16, 7-9pm
Columbus Mennonite Church, 35 Oakland Park Ave.
Over the past few months we have witnessed two things: 1) the cruelty of the Trump administration’s efforts to deport immigrant families and 2) how...

Black man speaking at a mic wearing a suit, with a sign in the background to his left saying Why We Can't
15 January 2018

Monday, January 15, 2018, 5:30 – 8:00 PM. 
In the spirit of what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stood for, put your self to work for human rights. Cages are disabling and traumatizing environments. As a result,...

Latino man in foreground with drum around his neck and hitting it with drumsticks, his mouth open chanting, wearing a shirt that says Boycott Wendys with a picture of a girl's head with red pigtails and a No sign around it (circle with line through it) and a Latino woman behind him holding a bright orange and yellow sign also with her mouth open chanting
14 January 2018

Sunday, January 14, 2018, 2pm
Scores of students, community members and people of faith from over 20 campuses across nation will join together with congregation and community members to demonstrate at the Wendy’s located at...

A big I then a marijuana leaf and below the letters OH
11 January 2018

Saturday, Jan. 13, 6:30-11pm
1021 E. Broad St., Columbus (parking in rear, east side door)
Join progressive friends for food, drink, and great music.
Presentation on the year of cannabis in Ohio.
Contact: ...

A drawing of two arms up in the air with fists where there are handcuffs being broken in two, a yellow burst of color where the handcuffs broke, and the words in red below, Human Trafficking Awareness
10 January 2018

Thursday, January 11, 8:30am-4pm, Ohio Statehouse

State Representative Teresa Fedor has worked tirelessly to overcome what she considers to be the human rights issue of our time — Human Trafficking. This year, she is joined by...

Big white capitol building with columns and turrets above windows in the background, lots of people posing in front holding placards each with a letter spelling out NARAL PRO-CHOICE OHIO
10 January 2018

Wednesday, January 10, 9:45am
Ohio Statehouse
Once again the Ohio legislature is attacking access to abortion in Ohio. This time by forcing abortion providers to follow different rules for disposal of biological tissues...


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