Saturday, April 28, 5pm
MCL Kingsdale, 3154 Kingsdale Center, Upper Arlington, Ohio
Come out and join us for dinner and conversation! We’ll be in the back room unless there’s a special event going on in that room.
Friday, April 27 - Sunday, April 29, Ohio Union, 1739 N. High St.
This year marks the tenth annual TransOhio Transgender and Ally Symposium! In celebration of the anniversary, the theme of this year’s conference is “Ten Years of...
Thursday, May 3, 4:45pm, WSYX ABC 6, 1261 Dublin Rd.
World Press Freedom Day is the perfect day to protest Sinclair Broadcasting’s mandated...
Thursday, April 26, 7-8:30pm
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, 83 W Woodruff
The Tet Offensive in Vietnam. The assassination of Martin Luther King. The French May. The Prague Spring. Black Power fists at the Olympics in...
April 24-27
Facebook event
UPDATE 4: success! the call in campaign has worked. Supporters have heard from the prisoners. BUT, the hunger strike continues,...
Monday, April 23, 2pm
1500 Dublin Rd, Columbus, OH 43215-1010
The Ohio DNR proposed a bobcat trapping season. Let your voice be heard! Ohio's bobcats are a resource for EVERYONE and should be managed as such. We can't put...